Thursday, July 17, 2014

This kid touched my heart

Today I was playing my online game on my phone. There is a chat on there that I usually don't participate in but there is a 16yr old kid on there who was being bullied and picked on by a few others. I just piped in to try to tell everyone to knock it off. Then he messages me and spills his guts, talking about how bad his life is and how he wants to kill his father for how poor he is treated.
All I could do was talk with the kid. I wanted to help him feel better. So I let him describe all the horrific feelings that were flowing through him and how he has basically given up on life and is set on going to jail for murder. My heart broke for him. I know I have and never will meet this kid but I understand what he feels.
I when I was a teen was a very hostile angry person inside. I too thought like him in ways. So all I could do is tell him how i understand him and that he is better than the way he feels now and that he will be able to rise above it. That his life is more valuable and he will see and understand one day. It may take years to fully break away from the feelings but he has to not let them consume him into doing something regrettable. I don't know this kid but I kind of felt like I had to help him. We spoke for an hour or so. Finally in the end I think I helped him see that he has a future ahead of him and that it hurts NOW but it will be better in time. He finally broke and said he doesn't wish to harm anyone and said he was crying.
I know that life isn't perfect and for some it is terrible so bad it makes you desperate to attack. Every move you make shapes your future.  Look ahead and think about what you want for yourself. Is prison and death your answer? I think not.

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